Friday, February 11, 2011

Birthdays and Prime Numbers

This year my baby is turning 11. Eleven is a prime number. It also looks nice when written and I have always loved numbers that are double (11, 22, 33, 44, . . .) So I am excited I will have an 11 year old - but kind of sad that my baby will be 11. He is almost as tall as me and I can no longer pick him up.

When I got to thinking about birthdays, I realized that I will be a prime number on my birthday - how cool is that! But the fun does not stop with me. I will have a 19 year old this spring. Pretty darn amazing if you ask me. Since ladies aren't supposed to tell their age, I found a photograph of two road signs that show how old I'll be.

All of this mathematical thinking made me think of math lessons. I am glad it is the weekend!

Just a reminder - I am doing a giveaway over at my friend Sharon's blog - check it out by clicking HERE! Good luck!

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