Welcome to the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure: Washington, DC
I am all about the color Pink! 2 years ago I created the Pink Heart shirt as a way to support my friend DJ on her first 3 day walk. This year I am not just going to be making and selling Pink Heart shirts, I am going to be a Breast Friends Forever crew member!
I'll be making a LOT of Pink Heart shirts this year. If you want to buy one, visit my website
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
The Good, the Bad, and the Messy
Yesterday I decided that since I was cleaning up my blog, it was time to clean up the attic playroom/family room. What an undertaking. If you are squeamish I would suggest you not look the photos too closely, you may feel faint. I began working at 7:30 AM.
I have to confess, that the photo above was taken after I moved boxes and furniture so I would have access to Daniel's corner. I brought up 3 of my tie dye tubs from the basement and got to work sorting. The next photo shows what happens after 2 hours of hard work by a Mom on a mission.
My first breakthrough came when I got the weapons into one pile.
Just before our lunch break, I paused to catch my breath and take another photo. It was really looking a lot better!
My final job before lunch break was organizing one of the attic book areas. I started by taking a last photo of the book mess and then moving the bookshelf!
After lunch I snapped this lovely photo - can you see the progress? I was refreshed and ready to move on to the legos!
Daniel and I worked a while longer and then I took a break to pick up my daughter. She had managed to avoid the cleaning so far - don't tell her but her corner is next! In moving Daniel's area around I decided that the treadmill would fit over by the play area - so Tim moved it for me (thanks Honey).
Finally Daniel's play area is organized. You'll notice in the next photo that there are toys and books under the couch. This is Abigail's corner. That is my next project.
Daniel can now play and FIND things. I am teaching him the following mantra, "A place for everything and everything has a place." All that is left is for me to get out my label maker and label each tub. I'll keep you posted on the rest of the cleaning and organizing.
I have to confess, that the photo above was taken after I moved boxes and furniture so I would have access to Daniel's corner. I brought up 3 of my tie dye tubs from the basement and got to work sorting. The next photo shows what happens after 2 hours of hard work by a Mom on a mission.
My first breakthrough came when I got the weapons into one pile.
Just before our lunch break, I paused to catch my breath and take another photo. It was really looking a lot better!
My final job before lunch break was organizing one of the attic book areas. I started by taking a last photo of the book mess and then moving the bookshelf!
After lunch I snapped this lovely photo - can you see the progress? I was refreshed and ready to move on to the legos!
Daniel and I worked a while longer and then I took a break to pick up my daughter. She had managed to avoid the cleaning so far - don't tell her but her corner is next! In moving Daniel's area around I decided that the treadmill would fit over by the play area - so Tim moved it for me (thanks Honey).
Finally Daniel's play area is organized. You'll notice in the next photo that there are toys and books under the couch. This is Abigail's corner. That is my next project.
Daniel can now play and FIND things. I am teaching him the following mantra, "A place for everything and everything has a place." All that is left is for me to get out my label maker and label each tub. I'll keep you posted on the rest of the cleaning and organizing.
Friday, January 28, 2011
My First Blog Hop
I am doing my first blog hop. I hope it goes well. I am still new at blogging and have not quite gotten the hang of it.
Wish me luck! It is a Blog Review and I need some suggestions to make my blog better. I really like it but do you? So look around and let me know what you do like and what you think I cold do better. I really appreciate your feedback.
I DO know that my grab button is not working quite right. I have gone to several sites for tutorials and each time it gets better but still not quite right.
Special thanks to the following two ladies for hosting this blog hop! Gail @My Repurposed Life and MeganDVD @ Beauty in the Attempt are hosting “The Bold and the Beautiful-your blog reviewed”.
You are welcome to join the party, it starts Thursday night and is open for a week.
Wish me luck! It is a Blog Review and I need some suggestions to make my blog better. I really like it but do you? So look around and let me know what you do like and what you think I cold do better. I really appreciate your feedback.
I DO know that my grab button is not working quite right. I have gone to several sites for tutorials and each time it gets better but still not quite right.
Special thanks to the following two ladies for hosting this blog hop! Gail @My Repurposed Life and MeganDVD @ Beauty in the Attempt are hosting “The Bold and the Beautiful-your blog reviewed”.
You are welcome to join the party, it starts Thursday night and is open for a week.
I love my girls. . .
. . . and my boys!
I am a fortunate woman. According to the Economist Magazine life begins at 46, so life is good for me since I will be 47 soon. If I had read that life begins at 46 on Facebook, I don't think I would have believed it, but because it was in a major publication read all around the world it must be true! ; )
I am also fortunate to be the mother of 4 wonderful children. My daughters are pictured above. Sadly, even with my high heels I am still the shortest of the Rice Girls. My children are kind, smart, artistic, healthy, successful, happy, and helpful. What more could a mother ask for? (you can see a photo of Daniel in my previous post).
In addition to life beginning at 46 and having wonderful children, I have a wonderful business. I get to make the world a more colorful place with my tie dye.
Life is good! Now if only I could get my blog button to work AND be grabbable.
I am a fortunate woman. According to the Economist Magazine life begins at 46, so life is good for me since I will be 47 soon. If I had read that life begins at 46 on Facebook, I don't think I would have believed it, but because it was in a major publication read all around the world it must be true! ; )
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We celebrated Katie's 21st birthday at the Brasstown Valley Resort. |
In addition to life beginning at 46 and having wonderful children, I have a wonderful business. I get to make the world a more colorful place with my tie dye.
Life is good! Now if only I could get my blog button to work AND be grabbable.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
School, Work, and Play
Today it snowed at my house. Not a lot, but constant flurries. That made it hard for Daniel to do his schoolwork. He was so diligent that I wanted to let everyone know! Good Job Daniel!
While Daniel was working on his school, Tim was working on making a button for my blog. UGH. I tried it and got one designed and Tim is making it better. Next step will be to figure out how to upload it to my blog.
When I am not keeping Tim busy working on my stuff he is busy writing a new textbook. He is looking for editors, so if you are interested send him an email at Tim@homeschoolpsych.com.
We'll be done with school soon, and then Daniel can play!
Make sure you check out my button for the homeschool convention that I put on the sidebar. I'll be an exhibitor there!
While Daniel was working on his school, Tim was working on making a button for my blog. UGH. I tried it and got one designed and Tim is making it better. Next step will be to figure out how to upload it to my blog.
When I am not keeping Tim busy working on my stuff he is busy writing a new textbook. He is looking for editors, so if you are interested send him an email at Tim@homeschoolpsych.com.
We'll be done with school soon, and then Daniel can play!
Make sure you check out my button for the homeschool convention that I put on the sidebar. I'll be an exhibitor there!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
John C. Campbell Folk School
I live in a wonderful part of the country! I am surrounded by mountains, trees (too many and too green but that is for another day), wonderful friends, and a huge artistic community. The John C. Campbell Folk School is not far from where I live and I consider it one of the modern wonders of the art world! I am SO very fortunate to be able to teach there this October (28-30). I feel quite honored to be an instructor - it is basically a dream come true.
Tonight I came home from taking Abbie to a class and had just sat down when the phone rang. It was the coordinator of the Folk School's scheduling asking if I would like to teach in 2012. Being invited once to teach was exciting - being asked a second time is VERY VERY VERY exciting!!! Check out the Folk School by clicking HERE. You can see my class description by clicking HERE.
AHH, I think I need a cup of tea.
Tonight I came home from taking Abbie to a class and had just sat down when the phone rang. It was the coordinator of the Folk School's scheduling asking if I would like to teach in 2012. Being invited once to teach was exciting - being asked a second time is VERY VERY VERY exciting!!! Check out the Folk School by clicking HERE. You can see my class description by clicking HERE.
AHH, I think I need a cup of tea.
Friday, January 21, 2011
I am a homeschool mom of 4. I used to sew my daughters and me matching jumpers and there was a time when I wore white Ked shoes with white roll down socks to accessorize my “homeschool mom” look (and yes, we sometimes still dress in matching outfits.) I had three homebirths and breastfeed all of my children long past their 1st birthday. Years ago I sold Tupperware. I look really organized, but often I am not. Try as I might, I am usually late. Oh, and some days I yell at my children. I don’t make homemade bread every week (some weeks I don’t cook at all.)
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My family and I don't usually dress alike anymore :) |
I say all this so you know that I am not perfect. My children are not perfect. My house is not perfect (I have to admit that I while I rarely dust, my kitchen is very sanitary.) I will like you if you are not perfect. I won’t try to one up you with the perfectness of my children (because they are not perfect.)
Please give me the same courtesy. Maybe your child did get a perfect SAT score, walked at 7 months, potty trained at 12 months, was voted most likely to be a millionaire by 21, and ran a marathon. I am happy for them. That said, you don’t have to go on and on and on about your perfect children to the point that I (and other moms) feel, well, shall I say - less than average. We are all moms who happen to have wonderful children. Let’s enjoy them!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
No Tools Required
No tools required
Easy Assembly
Keep away from children
When I read those words I get worried. Take today for example. I purchased a chrome 4 shelf bookshelf to help organize my stuff (I have a lot of stuff). The box said, “No tools required. Easy Assembly.” And in really small print (that I needed glasses and a magnifying glass to read) it said “Keep away from children.” That should have been an indication that this project would be difficult.
Daniel and I lugged the 39 pound box from the van to the house. I was prepared and already had the space for the shelf cleaned out.
Opening the box was a chore. Why do they need to use a whole roll of packing tape to close a box? I ship Homeschool Psych books for Tim and I can ship about 40 boxes with the amount of tape they used on my one box.
So the box was opened and the pieces taken out. I have to admit that I was impressed that whoever packed the box did not forget a thing. Everything that the instructions showed should be in the box WAS in the box.
Now, mind you, the box said no tools required. The instructions said for best results use a rubber mallet. I suspect that the rubber mallet is needed for hitting yourself on the head when you are one hour into the project and not done!
I followed the directions (well really there were not directions, just vague looking drawings) and got shelf #1 on. No rubber mallet needed thank you very much! Next came shelf 2. At this point I realized that “Easy Assembly” was a lie and that I did need a child to help me.
Finally my shelf was assembled – 1 hour and 20 minutes from box opening! Isn’t it lovely? Now I can organize my teacher’s manuals, shirts to dye, and personal stuff. I cleaned out the old pile while I was at is and got rid of some junk. Organizational project #2 of 2011 done!
Now it is time to dye!
Done! |
I had a lot of stuff that needed organizing. |
Now it is time to dye!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Pink Heart Shirts
2 years ago I decided to create a shirt for my friend DJ who was fund raising for a Koman 3 Day walk. DJ's sister had cancer; so in addition to her regular job, going to school for her masters degree, and taking care of her family, DJ was trying to raise $2,300 for cancer research. She had a lot on her plate! This is the shirt I came up with. For every Pink Heart shirt I sell I donate $5 to DJ's fund raising goal. {You can click on the photo and see DJ's 2008 team. If you click on THAT photo it will take you to her personal page.}
I really love this shirt! The colors make me happy and the heart helps remind me of all the love in the world. I am so grateful that I have a skill that can be put to good use helping others.
Last year I made the team shirt and DJ had their name silk screened on them. Don't they look great?
Breast Friends Forever Team |
Socks, Socks and More Socks!
Socks are one of those things that I never spend a lot of time thinking about. When it is cold I wear socks. When I am exercising I wear socks. When I want to slide across the dining room I wear socks. I really only think about socks when my sock drawer is empty. BUT - I have a little confession - even though I don't really think about them much, I LOVE socks! I like soft socks; I like fluffy socks. I like athletic socks (as long as they don't disappear down into my shoe when I am working out). I like knee socks, and I like colorful socks.
A few years ago I went on a quest to find some 100% cotton socks to dye. What I found is that most socks are not 100% cotton. Even socks that say 80% cotton are really only cotton on the inside (which feels good) with a synthetic outside. My dye does not dye synthetic fibers. So, the socks I was buying at the big box store ( you KNOW the store I am speaking of) did not dye up well. Then I got a new catalog from my favorite dye supplier (Dharma Trading Company) and they had BAMBOO socks. Yup, you read it right - bamboo! I ordered a few pair and was so excited to find that they not only felt marvelous but they dyed up great! Since that time I have dyed up a lot of socks.
My next quest was to find 100% cotton socks for athletes. I mean, doesn't every soccer player want a pair of really awesome tie dye socks? After searching for 3 years I have finally found a source - WAH HOO! I started with just 2 pair. I did not want to invest a lot of money on a product that might not hold up or feel good. My two product testers liked them and they have been through about a dozen washes and have performed well. So now I have Bamboo socks for babies through adult and athletic socks for kids and adults.
Over the years I have found that you get what you pay for with socks. If you are a hiker, spend a few extra bucks and get a few good pairs. If you want to look good and have you feet swaddled in comfort, try a pair of bamboo socks this year.
A few years ago I went on a quest to find some 100% cotton socks to dye. What I found is that most socks are not 100% cotton. Even socks that say 80% cotton are really only cotton on the inside (which feels good) with a synthetic outside. My dye does not dye synthetic fibers. So, the socks I was buying at the big box store ( you KNOW the store I am speaking of) did not dye up well. Then I got a new catalog from my favorite dye supplier (Dharma Trading Company) and they had BAMBOO socks. Yup, you read it right - bamboo! I ordered a few pair and was so excited to find that they not only felt marvelous but they dyed up great! Since that time I have dyed up a lot of socks.
My next quest was to find 100% cotton socks for athletes. I mean, doesn't every soccer player want a pair of really awesome tie dye socks? After searching for 3 years I have finally found a source - WAH HOO! I started with just 2 pair. I did not want to invest a lot of money on a product that might not hold up or feel good. My two product testers liked them and they have been through about a dozen washes and have performed well. So now I have Bamboo socks for babies through adult and athletic socks for kids and adults.
Over the years I have found that you get what you pay for with socks. If you are a hiker, spend a few extra bucks and get a few good pairs. If you want to look good and have you feet swaddled in comfort, try a pair of bamboo socks this year.
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